Monthly Archives: July 2012

Poleitical Diaries linked in recent KPCC article!


KPCC’s Paige Osburn just finished her article on pole dancing after her visit to the Pole Convention, and it has gone live! Please take a moment to check it out on the Southern California Public Radio site:

Aaaaaaaaaaand Poleitical Diaries is linked in the article, mid-way through the piece! The “pole diary” blogs link will take you to me! Hi to any new readers!

I have spoken at length with Paige about pole dancing and many of the facets related to it, so it’s really wonderful to see the finished product of all of her hard work!

Congratulations, Paige! And THANK YOU! xoxo

I know I owe a post on my experiences at the PoleCon – maybe tonight I will get it done??? 🙂

Also, if you’d like to find me on Facebook and Twitter, here you go:

I’ll leave you with an old favorite of mine…

tee hee…an oldie, but a goodie!

Odds and ends: injury remedies, etc

First, this is a great post from Studio Veena, about how to treat various pole-related maladies:

One thing I will add is a tidbit of advice sent to me by Drea, which she got from a blog by Aerial Amy – for pole burns on the tops of your feet (from climbing), instead of using a bandaid to protect them, use a hydrocolloid bandage. She swears by them. They should be available at Walgreens and the like, although I had a hard time finding one at CVS the other day.

As far as my own treatments go, I do follow some of what was suggested in the Studio Veena blog. If I have poled particularly hard, I come home and set up an Epsom salt bath. Target has some great Dr. Teal’s salts in different scents – I like the Eucalyptus – for about $7 a bag (6lbs). However, if you don’t care about scents, Costco offers a 12lb case of unscented Dr. Teal’s Epsom salt for the same price. I think I use about 3 cups in each bath. I once read that the bath water should not be over 100 degrees, but that was for using the salts to treat skin issues (they can also be therapeutic for things like psoriasis, I think).

I do have Arnica lotion – purchased from Whole Foods (also available in gel form) – and I have had Traumeel recommended to me, but have not picked up any to try it (if you’re in LA, Erewhon Market is supposed to carry it). I also used the Arnica pills (the kind that dissolve under your tongue) – again, Whole Foods – while I was training for PPC. A bonus factoid about Arnica: it can be used as an under eye treatment to reduce dark circles/bags/puffiness (according to the internet). I also have a foam roller at home, to work out any tight muscles – it hurts like hell sometimes, especially if you’re really tight, but it can help release some of the tension, especially in the thighs. I haven’t quite worked out how to use it effectively on my back/arms/shoulders (which, sadly, is what tends to need it the most). Massages are always great, although I can’t usually afford them. 😉

I always seem to have grip issues now that I’m conditioning for aerial – my hands only have so much strength in them each class. Kelli, one of the lovely instructors at The Pole Garage, told me to start cross training with weights at home, to help build the other muscles in my arms. She was having the same issues, so much so that she began to have pain radiating along the bones in her forearm (which has started to happen to me), and once she began cross training, it went away. I do wonder if this is because I’m heavier than would be ideal for doing aerial – my body hasn’t quite caught up to the strength it needs to have to support itself. Which sucks. I hate dieting. I love food. But, I also hate feeling squashy and the fact that the majority of my pants don’t quite fit like they used to. :/

Now, regarding training…I haven’t done a damn thing in the last two weeks because of my hand injury. It’s still not back to normal, which I guess should not be a surprise, but it is frustrating. There is still pain in the area of the bite, and although the puncture wounds are healing well, they do still hurt. What is more troubling to me is that I don’t yet have full mobility – I cannot fully extend my left arm in every direction. Specifically, if I extend my arm and try to move my hand up (i.e. back of the hand moved back toward the forearm), I feel a tug in my hand. I need to begin to slowly stretch it, but it worries me – I already have decreased strength because of it, and my hand begins to ache if I do anything for too long – like folding laundry (laaaaaaame). I’ve taken a few right-handed spins on my home pole, and I can do them, although not that well because I’m not conditioned on the right. It does help that I am right-handed in real life, so I have some coordination, but it feels weird to take pole that way. I have to think about everything twice before I do it. I’ve tried to do some pull ups on the pole, but I don’t have much grip/strength, and I haven’t been back to class yet. I am hoping to go next week and see what I can do, even if it’s not my usual amount of work. On the plus side, I now have an excuse to not do planks in the warm up! Yay! (Sorry Drea – truthfully, I rarely do them anyway because they mess with my wrists so much.)

It is incredibly frustrating to not be able to use my hand normally. Even just walking around bothers it sometimes. I find that if I am out and about, it tends to ache the longer that I am walking around. Despite this, I’ve gone on a series of really long walks in my area with my boyfriend, in order to get some exercise – I live very close to the hills in two directions, so we’ve been exploring new streets and finding some of the fun secret staircases in the area (something I love to do). It’s not pole, but it’s something to keep active until my hand is fully healed. I haven’t pushed anything with my hand, mostly because I am afraid of doing more damage. :/

Fair warning, these are all photos of my injury, so if you’re squeamish, maybe don’t look. 🙂

Did I create a monster?

My coworker, Josh, went up to Big Bear for the 4th and sent me this photo while he was there:

Josh’s Urban Pole Adventure

This is what happens when wrestlers decide to take on a new challenge. 🙂 Now, I’ll have to find time to teach him an inversion!

In other news, I haven’t posted much over the last week because I have been injured – not by pole, though! I sustained a pretty bad dog bite to my left hand while breaking up a fight at work (I work with dogs at my day job). An urgent care visit, x-rays, and a lot of saline solution and gauze, etc – that was my Friday afternoon. I spent most of the weekend alternating between cleaning the wounds, resting (okay, okay, being stoned on Vicodin on a couch, in front of a tv), and trying to test the limits of my newly busted hand.

Which is also my pole hand. :/

I saw the doctor again today, and overall, am doing really well. Most of the swelling is gone, which allows me to do more with it, and the wounds look like they are starting to heal well. I am not allowed to go back to work just yet, because of the nature of my job, and I am still on antibiotics. I should hopefully have full range of motion back in my hand within two weeks (if I don’t, I have to go back for an MRI to look at internal injuries to tissue/tendons). In the meantime, I have bandages and a sling for outside of the house to keep the wounds clean and to keep me from overdoing it with using the hand. It still gives me a fair amount of trouble in very basic ways – I don’t have full range of motion to my arm – can’t extend it fully in certain ways – and my hand does not open fully, nor close fully, which means I can’t grasp or grip anything with weight involved. Which means…no pole.

Since I will be out of pole for a couple of weeks, at least, I am looking into heading into class and working on my right hand – which, oddly enough, is my strong hand in real life (which is why I wasn’t totally taken out by the injury, in terms of life/world). I have very little coordination in my right when it comes to pole, and very little conditioning as well, so it might be good to do a few weeks of work on it, as frustrating as it might prove to be. 🙂

Congratulations to Drea, Elite Finalist for APFC 2012!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I’m so excited!!!

Drea, owner of The Pole Garage and my teacher, has been selected as an Elite Finalist for APFC 2012!!! If you’ll be in NYC in October, you must go to the event and cheer for her in person, for me! 🙂

This is her beautiful submission video! She’s such an inspiration to all of us!! LOVE YOU, DREA!!!! Congratulations – you SO deserve this honor, and we are all thrilled for you!!! Now, go kick some ass!!!

Pole Comics

Lately, I’ve posted a couple of comics from Leen Isabel, creator of Pole Dancing Adventures – her stuff is super cute and keeps popping up on Facebook, so I’m sure I’ll post photos again in the future and wanted to be sure to give her a proper shout out! Thanks for the adorable comics about our crazy obsession, Leen!

Happy 4th of July, pole style!

Happy Independence Day to everyone in the US! Saw these photos on my Facebook feed and thought I would repost them here, in celebration of the holiday!


comic by Leen Isabel (Pole Dancing Adventures)




Also, since I am an animal lover and have a side business in pet care, I have to remind everyone that shelters are often flooded with pets after the 4th, because of the fireworks – the noises are super scary and cause a lot of pets to run off. Please keep your pets safe and INDOORS tonight! Make sure they have up to date and legible ID tags (and microchips!).

Be safe, everyone! Xoxo